This article is from the series "The Solar System" where we will be sharing interesting facts about everything, from the origin of the Solar System to the mysterious massive planet 9. Please follow our social media accounts to get regular updates.
Uranus ( ⛢ , अरुण ) is the Solar System‘s weirdo. Let it be its featureless look, mysteriously low temperature or excessive tilt, it is unlike any other planet. This far from home icy planet has its own amazing set of quirks.
Here are some interesting facts about Uranus, the icy misfit:

Uranus is the Latinized version of Ouranos

Sir William Herschel announced its discovery on 13th March 1781, but he assumed it was a comet. By 1783, he acknowledges that his discovery is, in fact, a planet
Appendix: Classical Planets

The interior of Uranus is mainly composed of ices and rock. Uranus and Neptune are known as the Ice Giants

This could be because of the low heat generated by the planet

Neptune, which is Uranus’ near twin in size and composition, radiates 2.61 times as much energy into space as it receives from the Sun. Uranus radiates hardly any excess heat at all

Uranus is visible to the naked eye in dark skies and becomes an easy target even in urban conditions with binoculars. In larger amateur telescopes, it appears as a pale cyan disk
Appendix: apparent magnitude

The difference between Uranus’ minimum and maximum distance from Sun is larger than all other planets but not as large as the dwarf planet Pluto
Appendix: AU

The standard model of Uranus’ structure is that it consists of three layers: a rocky (silicate/iron–nickel) core in the centre, an icy mantle in the middle and an outer gaseous hydrogen/helium envelope

As on all the giant planets, its upper atmosphere experiences strong winds. At some latitudes, such as about 60 degrees south, visible features of the atmosphere move much faster which makes a full rotation in as little as 14 hours

Each pole gets around 42 Earth years of continuous sunlight followed by 42 Earth years of continuous darkness

The speculated collision between the Protoplanet and Uranus happened at the time of formation of the Solar system

The names of the moons are chosen from characters in the work of Shakespeare and Alexander Pope

There are a total of 13 rings orbiting around the planet

Uraniun moons are made up of 50% ice and 50% rock

Voyager 2 made its closest approach to Uranus on 24 January 1986, coming within 81,500 km (50,600 mi) of the cloud tops. Then it continued its journey to Neptune
Source: Wikipedia
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