This article is from the series "The Solar System" where we will be sharing interesting facts about everything, from the origin of the Solar System to the mysterious massive planet 9. Please follow our social media accounts to get regular updates.
Saturn ( ♄ , शनि ) can be deemed as the most royal planet of the Solar System. With a huge set of rings, the distinctive look of Saturn makes it the most talked-about planet. This fascinating planet is even more interesting from the close.
Here are some interesting facts about Saturn, the one with the rings:

Saturn has only one-eighth of the average density of Earth

Saturn’s astronomical symbol (♄) represents the god’s sickle

An apparent oddity is that it does not have any known Trojan Asteroids. Trojans have been discovered for Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune
Appendix: AU

The equatorial diameter of Saturn is 11,808 km longer than the diameter measured through the poles while the diameter of Earth is only 12,742 km

The outermost layer of Saturn spans 1,000 km and consists of gas
Appendix: Metallic Hydrogen

Saturn’s finer cloud patterns were not observed until the flybys of the Voyager spacecraft during the 1980s. Since then, Earth-based telescopy has improved to the point where regular observations can be made

The wind speed on Saturn is not as high as those on Neptune

Saturn’s North pole has a Hexagonal wave pattern
Appendix: Polar vortex

Saturn’s Magnetosphere, like Earth‘s, produces aurorae

Titan, the largest moon, comprises more than 90% of the mass in orbit around Saturn, including the rings

The particles that make up the rings range in size from specks of dust up to 10 m

Some ice in the E ring comes from the moon Enceladus’s water geysers

Such a “disappearance” will next occur in 2025, but Saturn will be too close to the Sun for any ring-crossing observation to be possible

In April 2014, NASA scientists reported the possible beginning of a new moon within the A Ring, which was imaged by Cassini on 15 April 2013

From 2004 to 2 November 2009, the probe discovered and confirmed eight new satellites of Saturn. In April 2013 Cassini sent back images of a hurricane at the planet’s north pole 20 times larger than those found on Earth, with winds faster than 530 km/h (330 mph)
Source: Wikipedia
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