My father once shared a saying by a saint with me “If we plant a sapling in the shade of a big tree, it will never grow to the heights it is supposed to. Move that sapling away from the tree’s shade and it will grow up into a bigger tree. These saplings are like children, you have to give them some space and freedom to make them strong, independent and successful.” These lines were something he actually preached because the amount of freedom I got from my parents is unimaginable. In my small life of 28 years, not even once I was told that I can’t do anything because I am a female.  

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Menstruation: not a taboo

If you are a woman younger than 12 or a man who avoids the word ‘feminism’, you can relate the word “menstruation’ to the TV advertisement with a lady in white pants and a small diaper drenched with a blue liquid from a test tube. Haven’t we all tried to decipher the advertisement at least once in our lifetime? Then we grew up; some men learned and some are still oblivious. Women learned it the hard way. Our life changed and while our parents were happy, we couldn’t understand why?

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How to approach a woman

Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended

Do you like someone but you are scared to approach them as you think she will take it in a wrong way? You are absolutely correct, women do take it the wrong way most of the time. You can blame it on all the creepy men who made many women’s lives miserable. This doesn’t mean you should give up on your woman. There’s a safe way to approach. Below pointers are purely my own ideas so they may work for you or not but nothing bad to get some knowledge!

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Woman are rude because we are defensive

Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended

As a man, have you ever felt that when you first met an unknown woman and started a conversation, she was unreasonably rude? Short answers, blank expressions, and mild aggression even when you were as nice as possible? The reason you felt this way is because you are absolutely correct, we women are rude and no we are not regretful about it.

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Domestic Violence

Dear Mumma,
I am sorry, I failed you. Believe me, I tried. I tried everything that you and papa said, everything that he and his family said. But it was not enough. It was never enough.

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How to Handle Irritating Sexists Savagely?

Being a woman, we are often bombarded with borderline sexism and misogyny. Unwanted suggestions on topics like marriage, independence or lifestyle are very common. Sometimes having a healthy discussion works, sometimes the better option is to smile and ignore. But what if the other person is so persistent in his / her thoughts that every meeting with them is equivalent to a torturous agony. Arguing is ineffective and ignoring is useless. At such point, taking care of other’s emotions is of no relevance, all you want them to do is shut up and f**k off. So what to say in such cases?

How to Handle Irritating Sexists Savagely? Some sassy short answers in the defense:

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