Woman are rude because we are defensive

Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended

As a man, have you ever felt that when you first met an unknown woman and started a conversation, she was unreasonably rude? Short answers, blank expressions, and mild aggression even when you were as nice as possible? The reason you felt this way is because you are absolutely correct, we women are rude and no we are not regretful about it.

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Nirbhaya case, Kathua case or the Unnao one, these are just drops in the sea. It’s a painful reality that rapes happen every day, everywhere and many of them go unreported. Obviously, we need stricter laws to tackle the situation but these alone won’t be enough. As a society, we are making this rape culture grow within us. Here are some of my personal opinions regarding this issue.

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