Our Sun ( ☉ , सूर्य ) is not just a star at the centre of our Solar System but also the engine that powers everything around it. It’s gigantic, hot and its gravitational force is what keeping everything in place. Here are some interesting facts about our very own star Sun:   Sun’s radius is 1700 times smaller than the radius of the biggest known star UY Scuti (Pronunciation: U Y Scu-taai) which is a red supergiant in the constellation Scutum   It’s 109 times the diameter of the Earth   The diameter of the Earth at the equator is about 43 km larger than the pole-to-pole diameter. Earth has an equatorial diameter of 12,756 km   Other elements present on the Sun are Oxygen: 1%, Carbon: 0.3%, Neon: 0.2% and Iron 0.2%   And the Sun will continue to do so for another few billion years   This…

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The Solar System

Billions of years ago, there was no Sun and there were no planets. All there was a big cloud full of gases. So, how it all turned into a balanced system of a star and planets orbiting around it? How a star and planetary bodies around it made it possible to have life? The story of the Solar System ( सौर मण्डल ). Here are some interesting facts about our Solar System which will give you some insights on this series covering our planetary system:   The Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC) in Orion–Cygnus Arm, also known as the Local Fluff is roughly 30 light-years across ————————————   As is typical of molecular clouds, this one consisted mostly of hydrogen, with some helium. It also had small amounts of heavier elements fused by previous generations of stars   Within 50 million years, the pressure and density of hydrogen in the centre…

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