Random Thoughts our World Should Get Rid Of

Humanity has grown from stone age to an era where we all are dominating over the planet. We live connected but still have many differences. While we keep fighting for major issues, some minor issues go unnoticed. Below are a few random thoughts our world should get rid of for a healthy and equal living for all.

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How to survive when just everyone hates you? You want to change yourself for your own good but nobody supports your decision. The moment you decide to break the chains, everyone starts judging you. A tale from such person.

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We can’t live our childhood forever but we should never lose the child inside us. Doesn’t matter how mature or responsible we become, it’s never a bad idea to be silly.

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Peace Poem

The more sophisticated life has become, the more we are losing peace from our lives. The money we are earning for ourselves is taking most of the time we have. So it’s necessary to use a cheat-code once in a while and do something we love and find some peace.

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Migrant Alan Kurdi

Alan Kurdi, a little 3-year-old kid who lost his life on 2nd September, 2015 to the most drastic migrant crisis that is still killing thousands from Syria, Iraq and other parts of world. When I saw that news last year, I was one of the countless people who were emotional and hurt. Few lines for the worst migrant crisis humanity faced.

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