‘A New Start’ is a part of my ‘Nameless’ series where I don’t include names of any character, place, organization and other such nouns. This is to avoid the unconscious stereotyping that comes with the names. My stories contain no particular religion, race, society or culture. They contains just humans doing the human things.

The room was dark and cramped, power was out for five hours now. The only source of light was a dim flickering lamp post outside her window. Her power backup had given up hours ago. Sweet smell of soil had been replaced by a mild stink as the relentless rain entered its 16th day. Weather was catastrophic all around the country. There was continuous News of floods, waterlogging, and an ever-growing list of causalities. The rich were inconvenienced, the poor terrified, and the Government was overwhelmed. She was none; staring at the ghostly shadows on her wall, made by the periodic lights beaming through the window and the fan, a smile was stamped on her face. Her consciousness was undoubtedly outside the four walls of her small apartment. The temperature was below her comfort level and the thin cover that was blanketing her body was pretty much useless. She was still laying there ignoring the thick blanket lying on the chair, too tired and lost to move, or maybe lazy. Who could blame her though, she deserved this slothfulness.   

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Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended

Are you having a string of strong negative emotions towards the people who are not letting you go out? Do you think Coronavirus is just a scam and it’s not as a big deal as it is made? Do your symptoms include annoyance, yelling, tweeting bullshit, and going into dangerous marches?

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