Elon Musk is an Engineer, Entrepreneur and a Billionaire. Be it his work, his love life or tweets, he is always in the News. He is not the richest person on the planet but he is certainly loved more than most of the richer ones. As a person, he has an army of admirers and a group of people who just hate him.

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Hate, violence and devastation: these are the most common words we listen in News nowadays. Every day, a new tragedy, a new danger; danger from almost everything. We live in a free world where there is barely anything we can do without getting any backlash. The way this is going, either we have to stand together and fight against this hate or we will be finished.

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The way we are killing our flora and fauna, if trees could speak, this poem will be something very close to what we will get to hear. We humans don’t even think twice before destroying nature. Very soon, there won’t be a single tree left to give us such a reply. Here’s my poem from Dec 2012!!

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