Internet Trolling

Have you ever felt a strong desire of distributing your unsolicited opinions to virtual beings of social media? After a long hard day, do you get angry because random people are not living their lives the way you want them to? Do you have tendencies of being mean and offensive, even when you are not a bad person?  Brace yourself my friend, you belong to the majority community of the internet.  Every second human, with access to the worldwide web, has a tendency of being a source of hate. Those who don’t believe me don’t use Twitter enough.   

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How to Handle Irritating Sexists Savagely?

Being a woman, we are often bombarded with borderline sexism and misogyny. Unwanted suggestions on topics like marriage, independence or lifestyle are very common. Sometimes having a healthy discussion works, sometimes the better option is to smile and ignore. But what if the other person is so persistent in his / her thoughts that every meeting with them is equivalent to a torturous agony. Arguing is ineffective and ignoring is useless. At such point, taking care of other’s emotions is of no relevance, all you want them to do is shut up and f**k off. So what to say in such cases?

How to Handle Irritating Sexists Savagely? Some sassy short answers in the defense:

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Nirbhaya case, Kathua case or the Unnao one, these are just drops in the sea. It’s a painful reality that rapes happen every day, everywhere and many of them go unreported. Obviously, we need stricter laws to tackle the situation but these alone won’t be enough. As a society, we are making this rape culture grow within us. Here are some of my personal opinions regarding this issue.

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