The Mars: Next destination

Mars ( ♂︎ , मंगल ), the fourth planet of the Solar System can be called the most behaved planet after Earth. Unlike extreme conditions on Mercury and Venus and unavailability of a solid surface on the giant planets, Mars is the only nearby place we can think of having a colony. It sounds nice but in reality, Mars is still a very hostile planet. A colony may be a dream of far future but we may soon have few humans there. Here are some interesting facts about our friendly neighbour Mars:   The Greeks named this planet as Ares, the Greek God of War. Then, Roman changed the name of the planet as their God of War: Mars   Mars is the second smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury   The Maps by Christiaan Huygens contain terrain features of Mars   The rotation on Axis (Solar Day)…

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The Earth

Earth ( ⊕ , पृथ्वी ), our very own blue planet is the only known celestial body known to have life. Call it the act of god or a series of favourable circumstances, our planet managed to hit the perfect balance. This balance took billions of years but in the end, we got our miracle planet. Here are some interesting facts about our home planet Earth:   The age of Earth is deduced on the basis of radiometric dating and other sources of evidence   Like all other astronomical objects in the universe, Earth was formed by Accretion Appendix: Primordial   The material that was in orbit around the Earth quickly coalesced into the Moon, possibly within less than a month, but in no more than a century. Some of Theia’s mass merged with Earth   The first atmosphere was captured from the solar nebula. A combination of the solar…

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Life was and will always be a puzzle. More you solve, more it will complicate. But if you have trust on yourself that you can win over every difficulty, life is nothing but a fun play. A poem from the era when I was just about to graduate.

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What you can’t achieve from money, weapons or power, you can achieve it with a smile. Keep smiling and be happy and the world will kneel before you 🙂

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articles the new you

We all have dreams; some realistic, some unbelievable. But none of them impossible. So why not everyone is a winner, an achiever? What’s missing?

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