Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended

Are you having a string of strong negative emotions towards the people who are not letting you go out? Do you think Coronavirus is just a scam and it’s not as a big deal as it is made? Do your symptoms include annoyance, yelling, tweeting bullshit, and going into dangerous marches?

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The Earth

Earth ( ⊕ , पृथ्वी ), our very own blue planet is the only known celestial body known to have life. Call it the act of god or a series of favourable circumstances, our planet managed to hit the perfect balance. This balance took billions of years but in the end, we got our miracle planet. Here are some interesting facts about our home planet Earth:   The age of Earth is deduced on the basis of radiometric dating and other sources of evidence   Like all other astronomical objects in the universe, Earth was formed by Accretion Appendix: Primordial   The material that was in orbit around the Earth quickly coalesced into the Moon, possibly within less than a month, but in no more than a century. Some of Theia’s mass merged with Earth   The first atmosphere was captured from the solar nebula. A combination of the solar…

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Tonight, India is going to add another glorious page in its history. Chandrayaan 2, India’s second Moon mission and first spacecraft to try soft-landing on any celestial body will try its Moon landing. This is ISRO’s (Indian Space Research Organisation) first such attempt. We don’t know what the result will be but all Indian citizens will be on the edge of their seats tonight. Here are some interesting facts about Chandrayaan 2:   The main scientific objective is to map the location and abundance of lunar water If successful, Chandrayaan-2 will be the southernmost lunar landing, aiming to land at 67°S or 70°S latitude   History ISRO would have the prime responsibility for the orbiter and rover, while Roscosmos was to provide the lander   The design of the spacecraft was completed in August 2009, with scientists of both countries conducting a joint review   Fobos-Grunt mission was launched on…

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Last couple of months were full of heated debates on channels, in closed groups and a political mess in the entire country. It was Narendra Modi vs the rest. Politicians were saying random stuff for each other; dumb or offensive statements were coming on a regular basis. Finally, the long election process ended and yesterday, we got the results. Those who were shouting #AyegaToModiHi ended their day eating Laddu-Cake and those who wanted to topple the government were seen finding a place to hide their heads. Question is, how a big and diverse country like India managed to show the same enthusiasm even after 5 years? Here are my 2 cents:


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The title of the article totally contradicts the recent News and surveys about the safety of women in our country and I believe many of you are here in search of sarcasm. Truth is, there is no sarcasm intended. I seriously believe that things have gotten better for women and I have strong reasons to believe that. Every day, we wake up to multiple News reports of rape and harassment. Minors, women of all ages, men (it happens, is equally evil, mostly unreported) gets sexually harassed or abused. This obviously makes us think that the safety of women is getting worse in the country. But why, what happened in the last few years which increased such events? Rape or sexual harassment in today’s time can result in: In today’s social media scenario, you can easily end up on the internet as the fresh new villain. You will be soon on…

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Agni Pariksha

Hindu mythology is full of stories drenched with valor, emotions and life lessons. So many gods and their incarnations; the sagas of almighty, living with mortals as a mortal. One such saga is of Lord Ram. He is considered as the epitome of perfection, the maximum perfection a human can reach. He was the perfect gentleman in every relationship, almost every. I remember my chemistry tutor once raised this topic. There was some discussion regarding perfect behavior of elements which sidetracked on how Lord Ram was perfect everything but not a perfect husband. Why? The infamous and controversial ‘Agni Pariksha’. A Bit of Background Those who are unaware of the details, let me give you a quick recap. Lord Ram was given an order of 14 years of exile in forests by his father, as requested by his stepmother. Being the perfect son, he obliged. Lord Ram, Goddess Sita and…

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Domestic Violence

Dear Mumma,
I am sorry, I failed you. Believe me, I tried. I tried everything that you and papa said, everything that he and his family said. But it was not enough. It was never enough.

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MeToo India

#MeToo in India; it started slowly, spread like a bang and it’s still going strong. With all those allegations come a lot of questions. Some are suspicious and some are just negative regarding the whole situation. Why Some Women took Years to Come Out during #MeToo in India?
“Why she didn’t……..?”

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Love marriages or arranged, one thing that should be present in any marriage is that both bride and groom should be ready and happy for the union. If a marriage is happening just for the sake of society, growing age or any such factor against wish, such gamble is way too risky. Here are some of my personal opinions regarding this issue.

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