Agni Pariksha

Hindu mythology is full of stories drenched with valor, emotions and life lessons. So many gods and their incarnations; the sagas of almighty, living with mortals as a mortal. One such saga is of Lord Ram. He is considered as the epitome of perfection, the maximum perfection a human can reach. He was the perfect gentleman in every relationship, almost every. I remember my chemistry tutor once raised this topic. There was some discussion regarding perfect behavior of elements which sidetracked on how Lord Ram was perfect everything but not a perfect husband. Why? The infamous and controversial ‘Agni Pariksha’. A Bit of Background Those who are unaware of the details, let me give you a quick recap. Lord Ram was given an order of 14 years of exile in forests by his father, as requested by his stepmother. Being the perfect son, he obliged. Lord Ram, Goddess Sita and…

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All the beautiful things start from a tiny thought in your mind, it’s always on us to listen to it or not. Festivals always fascinated me. When I was transferred to Pune last year, it was just around the time of the Ganpati festival. I was excited about it but the city was new to me. Pune’s Ganpati festival is very beautiful and grand. This year, I was well equipped & well-informed about the city. So I started a solo mission – to capture as many Ganpati Pandaals as I could! 4 days and 2 additional trips to Dagduseth and Visarjan; if not half, at least one-third of the city covered, 18 hours of wandering alone in the city; 2500+ raw pics, 101 pics of 77 Ganpati Pandaals, and an Epic Adventure captured from the lens of my camera… Tips:
