The Venus

Venus ( ♀︎, शुक्र ), the only planet of our Solar System regarded as a female is the evil twin sister of our planet. This shiny morning star is a hell with a raging temperature, crushing pressure and acidic clouds. Venus is a perfect example to show what the greenhouse effect can do to a planet. Here are some interesting facts about the gruesome Venus:   The two continents on the planet are also named after women. The Northern continent Ishtar Terra is named after the Babylonian goddess of love and southern continent Aphrodite Terra is named after the Greek goddess of love   Due to its reverse rotation, Sun rises in the west and sets in the East   The diameter of Venus is only 638.4 km less than Earth‘s and its mass is 81.5% of that of Earth’s mass   This results in reduced heat loss from the…

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Today, 4 years ago, something happened that is left as a scar on our heart. A scar which can not be healed. We lost Nirbhaya, a brave daughter of India. I remember the moment I got to know about it. It was early in the morning and I was half asleep. Out of habit, I scrolled

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