My father once shared a saying by a saint with me “If we plant a sapling in the shade of a big tree, it will never grow to the heights it is supposed to. Move that sapling away from the tree’s shade and it will grow up into a bigger tree. These saplings are like children, you have to give them some space and freedom to make them strong, independent and successful.” These lines were something he actually preached because the amount of freedom I got from my parents is unimaginable. In my small life of 28 years, not even once I was told that I can’t do anything because I am a female.  

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Between tiny Mars and humongous Jupiter, lies a band of objects known as Asteroid Belt. This belt of ‘minor planets’ was supposed to be a planet but Jupiter’s gravity didn’t let that happen. So, it ended up as Sun‘s own ring system made up of asteroids and a dwarf planet. Here are some interesting facts about the Asteroid Belt:   The Asteroid Belt is also termed the ‘Main Asteroid Belt’ or ‘Main Belt’ to distinguish it from other asteroid populations in the Solar System such as near-Earth asteroids and Trojan Asteroids   Collisions became too violent and instead of fusing together, the Planetesimals and most of the Protoplanets shattered and formed the Asteroid Belt Appendix: Accrete, Primordial   Computer simulations suggest that the original Asteroid Belt may have contained the mass equivalent to the Earth   Although some scientists refer to the asteroids as residual Planetesimals, other scientists consider them…

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Love marriages or arranged, one thing that should be present in any marriage is that both bride and groom should be ready and happy for the union. If a marriage is happening just for the sake of society, growing age or any such factor against wish, such gamble is way too risky. Here are some of my personal opinions regarding this issue.

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