
Mercury ( ☿ , बुध ), the closest planet to the Sun is the one which faces its maximum fury. This tiny piece of rock has its own fascinating features. Here are some interesting facts about the mighty Mercury:   Both moons individually only have a mass equal to 40% of Mercury   The Roman god Mercury serves as the guide of souls to the underworld   An observer on Mercury would see only one day every two Mercurian years   The polar region is constantly below -93° C   Mercury is too small and hot for its gravity to retain any significant atmosphere over long periods of time Appendix: Exosphere   This Exosphere contains Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Sodium, Calcium, Potassium and others.   Mercury’s gravity is double that of our Moon   Mercury’s magnetic field is much weaker than Earth‘s magnetic field. It is still strong enough to deflect…

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Tonight, India is going to add another glorious page in its history. Chandrayaan 2, India’s second Moon mission and first spacecraft to try soft-landing on any celestial body will try its Moon landing. This is ISRO’s (Indian Space Research Organisation) first such attempt. We don’t know what the result will be but all Indian citizens will be on the edge of their seats tonight. Here are some interesting facts about Chandrayaan 2:   The main scientific objective is to map the location and abundance of lunar water If successful, Chandrayaan-2 will be the southernmost lunar landing, aiming to land at 67°S or 70°S latitude   History ISRO would have the prime responsibility for the orbiter and rover, while Roscosmos was to provide the lander   The design of the spacecraft was completed in August 2009, with scientists of both countries conducting a joint review   Fobos-Grunt mission was launched on…

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