Today, 4 years ago, something happened that is left as a scar on our heart. A scar which can not be healed. We lost Nirbhaya, a brave daughter of India. I remember the moment I got to know about it. It was early in the morning and I was half asleep. Out of habit, I scrolled the Facebook and my wall was full of this bad news.
It just took a moment to wipe off all the sleep from my eyes and I was down with over-powering emotions and anger. I cried! The only way I found to express my emotions were the words that were screaming in my mind. This poem is the exact piece I wrote that morning in the notes of my phone. Sharing my raw emotions with you…
We lost an angel…
She was a normal girl like all of us…
Her only mistake was she took a wrong bus…
How she would knew she has to face fire and a knife…
That is going to cut her life…
“Mom i want to live”…
A wish that we failed to give…
And we lost a friend so brave, so strong..
Even when she was not wrong…
But where is justice?? Answers to her tears…
Is government is willing to feed them for years???
Or waiting for another girl to cry???
Let other demons to have a try???
Today we are crying, we lost a sister…
But, if there will be any effect on our minister???
How her soul will rest in peace??
Until her murderers pay their fees…
Today it’s her..tomorrow it can be me or you…
It is the time for something big to do…
We need justice, we need law…
So that no other girl traps in such claw…
We lost something big today..
because today…
we lost an angel… :'(
Some things are changed, many are still the same but all we need is to keep trying. Only then we will be able to have a society free of molestation and rape.
– Lily Grover
The Day We Lost an Angel – Nirbhaya Death Aniversary
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I gave to the mass of the people such rank as befitted their need,
I took not away their honor, and I granted naught to their greed;
While those who were rich in power, who in wealth were glorious and
I bethought me that naught should befall them unworthy their
splendor and state;
So I stood with my shield outstretched, and both were sale in its
And I would not that either should triumph, when the triumph was
not with right.
When riches too great are poured upon men of unbalanced soul.
I stood forth a landmark in the midst and barred the foes like a death knoll.