When you have to choose between success and living near to family, sometimes the right option is not the easy one. A few months back, I took a transfer from a city very near to my home, to a city on the other side of the country. It was difficult, but with my family’s support, I was able to go that far…
They asked me, why I am going so far…
It’s like walking alone leaving the comfort of a car…
But there are few things which are meant to be done…
It’s a race, you are a racer and there is a long run…
Sometimes you have to go far, leaving the comfort zone…
Have to keep your step beyond the limit of the known…
Because life is a difficult road, with no finite range…
And with my full will, I am ready for this change…
Yes, there will be days when I will feel like going home…
All the passion will feel temporary, like the foam…
But I will stand tall on the decision I made…
I will keep walking and these emotions will fade…
I know there will be a day, when I will achieve the height…
But if I will fall down, losing control on my flight…
I will make sure I won’t come home, regretful and crying…
Because there will be more to regret for not even trying…
This is a big world and I am just a small bird…
And there will be places about which I have never heard…
I am just taking a leap out of my little nest…
Because this is the time to fly and not to take rest…
What you think is more important? Living near home and family or a successful career far from home. Please leave your views in comment section.
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Success is when your loved ones are there with you enjoying and celebrating your flight yes, occasionally you must need to fly higher, above them but eventually you need to reconnect. Its there love which act as thrust to your wings while you fly towards your dream.
If you talk about choosing only 1, for sure I’ll choose Career and if your family is with you, then you never need to worry about this. But what if you get both things together? It can also be a different option and the worthy 1 🙂