Exceeds the speed of sound

A natural light display in the sky, predominantly seen in the high-latitude regions like poles

An upper-level low-pressure area lying near one of the Earth’s poles

A phase of hydrogen in which it behaves like an electrical conductor

Smallest and coolest kind of star on the main sequence

Stars that are not massive enough to sustain nuclear fusion of ordinary hydrogen (1H) to helium in their cores. They are, however, thought to fuse deuterium (2H) and to fuse lithium (7Li) if their mass is above a debated threshold.

The release of a gas/water that was dissolved, trapped, frozen, or absorbed in the object

Solid objects thought to exist in protoplanetary disks.

A small celestial body that shares the orbit of a larger one, remaining in a stable orbit. Trojans can share the orbits of planets or of large moons

The genetic material of an organism. It consists of DNA (or RNA in RNA viruses)
