MeToo India

#MeToo in India; it started slowly, spread like a bang and it’s still going strong. With all those allegations come a lot of questions. Some are suspicious and some are just negative regarding the whole situation. Why Some Women took Years to Come Out during #MeToo in India?
“Why she didn’t……..?”

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How to Handle Irritating Sexists Savagely?

Being a woman, we are often bombarded with borderline sexism and misogyny. Unwanted suggestions on topics like marriage, independence or lifestyle are very common. Sometimes having a healthy discussion works, sometimes the better option is to smile and ignore. But what if the other person is so persistent in his / her thoughts that every meeting with them is equivalent to a torturous agony. Arguing is ineffective and ignoring is useless. At such point, taking care of other’s emotions is of no relevance, all you want them to do is shut up and f**k off. So what to say in such cases?

How to Handle Irritating Sexists Savagely? Some sassy short answers in the defense:

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Friends can be many but real friends are scarce and important. It’s necessary that we know the difference between a real friend and the not-so-real ones. Here are some points to help.

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A few things to remember to keep your confidence up and mind peaceful. These are just some basic things that we often forget because of the burden call life.

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