
Friends can be many but real friends are scarce and important. It’s necessary that we know the difference between a real friend and the not-so-real ones. Here are some points to help.

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A few things to remember to keep your confidence up and mind peaceful. These are just some basic things that we often forget because of the burden call life.

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Quotes of the week 7 - Inspirational Quote
Quotes of the week 6 - Inspirational Quote

Love marriages or arranged, one thing that should be present in any marriage is that both bride and groom should be ready and happy for the union. If a marriage is happening just for the sake of society, growing age or any such factor against wish, such gamble is way too risky. Here are some of my personal opinions regarding this issue.

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Nirbhaya case, Kathua case or the Unnao one, these are just drops in the sea. It’s a painful reality that rapes happen every day, everywhere and many of them go unreported. Obviously, we need stricter laws to tackle the situation but these alone won’t be enough. As a society, we are making this rape culture grow within us. Here are some of my personal opinions regarding this issue.

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Quotes of the week 5 - Inspirational Quote