‘A New Start’ is a part of my ‘Nameless’ series where I don’t include names of any character, place, organization and other such nouns. This is to avoid the unconscious stereotyping that comes with the names. My stories contain no particular religion, race, society or culture. They contains just humans doing the human things.

The room was dark and cramped, power was out for five hours now. The only source of light was a dim flickering lamp post outside her window. Her power backup had given up hours ago. Sweet smell of soil had been replaced by a mild stink as the relentless rain entered its 16th day. Weather was catastrophic all around the country. There was continuous News of floods, waterlogging, and an ever-growing list of causalities. The rich were inconvenienced, the poor terrified, and the Government was overwhelmed. She was none; staring at the ghostly shadows on her wall, made by the periodic lights beaming through the window and the fan, a smile was stamped on her face. Her consciousness was undoubtedly outside the four walls of her small apartment. The temperature was below her comfort level and the thin cover that was blanketing her body was pretty much useless. She was still laying there ignoring the thick blanket lying on the chair, too tired and lost to move, or maybe lazy. Who could blame her though, she deserved this slothfulness.   

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Internet Trolling

Have you ever felt a strong desire of distributing your unsolicited opinions to virtual beings of social media? After a long hard day, do you get angry because random people are not living their lives the way you want them to? Do you have tendencies of being mean and offensive, even when you are not a bad person?  Brace yourself my friend, you belong to the majority community of the internet.  Every second human, with access to the worldwide web, has a tendency of being a source of hate. Those who don’t believe me don’t use Twitter enough.   

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Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended

Are you having a string of strong negative emotions towards the people who are not letting you go out? Do you think Coronavirus is just a scam and it’s not as a big deal as it is made? Do your symptoms include annoyance, yelling, tweeting bullshit, and going into dangerous marches?

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A video with information covering the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and prevention. The data used in the video is taken from trustable sources like WHO.

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My father once shared a saying by a saint with me “If we plant a sapling in the shade of a big tree, it will never grow to the heights it is supposed to. Move that sapling away from the tree’s shade and it will grow up into a bigger tree. These saplings are like children, you have to give them some space and freedom to make them strong, independent and successful.” These lines were something he actually preached because the amount of freedom I got from my parents is unimaginable. In my small life of 28 years, not even once I was told that I can’t do anything because I am a female.  

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Elon Musk is an Engineer, Entrepreneur and a Billionaire. Be it his work, his love life or tweets, he is always in the News. He is not the richest person on the planet but he is certainly loved more than most of the richer ones. As a person, he has an army of admirers and a group of people who just hate him.

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Menstruation: not a taboo

If you are a woman younger than 12 or a man who avoids the word ‘feminism’, you can relate the word “menstruation’ to the TV advertisement with a lady in white pants and a small diaper drenched with a blue liquid from a test tube. Haven’t we all tried to decipher the advertisement at least once in our lifetime? Then we grew up; some men learned and some are still oblivious. Women learned it the hard way. Our life changed and while our parents were happy, we couldn’t understand why?

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The talk around climate change is nothing new. Humans were always selfish when it comes to their own profit over other species’ lives. We killed off Mammoth, Dodo and many others. As the population of homo sapiens skyrocketed, the degradation of the environment reached a scary level. Now, we are almost on the ‘no-return’ stage of climate decay.

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Tonight, India is going to add another glorious page in its history. Chandrayaan 2, India’s second Moon mission and first spacecraft to try soft-landing on any celestial body will try its Moon landing. This is ISRO’s (Indian Space Research Organisation) first such attempt. We don’t know what the result will be but all Indian citizens will be on the edge of their seats tonight. Here are some interesting facts about Chandrayaan 2:   The main scientific objective is to map the location and abundance of lunar water If successful, Chandrayaan-2 will be the southernmost lunar landing, aiming to land at 67°S or 70°S latitude   History ISRO would have the prime responsibility for the orbiter and rover, while Roscosmos was to provide the lander   The design of the spacecraft was completed in August 2009, with scientists of both countries conducting a joint review   Fobos-Grunt mission was launched on…

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How to approach a woman

Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended

Do you like someone but you are scared to approach them as you think she will take it in a wrong way? You are absolutely correct, women do take it the wrong way most of the time. You can blame it on all the creepy men who made many women’s lives miserable. This doesn’t mean you should give up on your woman. There’s a safe way to approach. Below pointers are purely my own ideas so they may work for you or not but nothing bad to get some knowledge!

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