Escape Vacation

In this run for money and success, somewhere we forgot to live. We work hard to earn a good living but don’t leave any time for living it. The moment you realise that the hard-earned money is not giving you the happiness you wanted; believe me my friend, you need an escape…

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LGBT Orlando shooting

My heart weeps with the families of Orlando LGBT night club shooting victims. How just one sick mind ended 50 precious live just because he was homophobic. We have to stop this hate and let the love win…

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The way we are killing our flora and fauna, if trees could speak, this poem will be something very close to what we will get to hear. We humans don’t even think twice before destroying nature. Very soon, there won’t be a single tree left to give us such a reply. Here’s my poem from Dec 2012!!

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wish war could be unreal

Back in July 2014, I wrote this poem when terrorism and war were on rage in Syria, Iraq, Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Russia and Nigeria. It’s been 2 years and hardly anything has changed. So much bloodshed, so much misery and the only thing we can really do is pray for peace. Wish it could be a nightmare only…

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Humans of new york cancer

Sometimes, the evilest happens with the most undeserving. Even the thought of a little child getting cancer is so depressing. The days, months or even years that should be full of fun and playing around; they have to bear so much pain. Like many of you, I am a big admirer of Brandon of “Humans of New York”. His stories are always heart touching. But the recent series he started, is not an easy one. As he mentioned, the stories are war stories. A battle with

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When you have to choose between success and living near to family, sometimes the right option is not the easy one. A few months back, I took a transfer from a city very near to my home, to a city

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Many months back when I was randomly strolling on Facebook, I came across a page named “Stop Acid Attack”. It didn’t take a second thought to like that page. These were all young pretty girls, acid attack survivors, scarred by some devious monsters, trying to start a mission to stand up again. I felt a connection,

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She was worried, sitting lonely, her tension was visible in her wet eyes. When her maths teacher saw her sitting there, she approached her. “Dear, you are too early, you can revise something meanwhile, wait, what? you are crying, why!!!

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School Stories

Time is like the sand of the beach. Doesn’t matter how hard you try to hold it, it will fall out of your hands. Every wave will take some from under your feet, but this doesn’t mean that hope is lost. You just need to keep standing and face the rage of the waves.

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Feminism is a word which attracts more criticism than positivity. Yes, some women with wrong intentions are behind this problem, but feminism is a very needed in this almost one-sided world. And it means we need equality, from both sides. A take on feminism from a feminist. 

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