Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended
As a man, have you ever felt that when you first met an unknown woman and started a conversation, she was unreasonably rude? Short answers, blank expressions, and mild aggression even when you were as nice as possible? The reason you felt this way is because you are absolutely correct, we women are rude and no we are not regretful about it.

The next question arises is why we are this way? Why be rude in your first meeting itself when the other person is behaving nicely? Even if the person is a stranger, they deserve some benefit of doubt. Aren’t such women destroying their own first impressions? The answer to all these questions is same: Self-defence!
Men and their Imaginations:
If you ask women how many times men have misinterpreted basic things like a smile, a generous favour or sometimes even a small talk as passionate love, she won’t give you a number but a long list of bad stories. Some men are so hopeless romantics that even if a lady just looks toward them, they assume she must be dying to marry him. Partially thanks to Bollywood, they start imagining blowing wind and violins around the slightly smiling woman while the reason behind her smile could be the remaining piece of cake in the fridge.
The Character Assassination:
Sometimes we don’t even have to send an invitation in any way. Men start assuming our availability as per our attire!
Red Lipstick- Attention seeker
Short Dress- Must be available
Cleavage Visible- Total slut, must be dying to sleep with all men

For some reason, some men think that all women dress up for men. If we are wearing exposing clothes we must be desiring to be proposed. No guys, we don’t dress according to you, we dress according to our menstrual cycle and waxing schedule. We dress because it makes us feel good. The sexy AF reflection in the mirror can make us happy for a week. Even if we dress for others once in a while, then it is for other girls to make them jealous or for that crush who will never get even the slightest hint about it.
Such assumptions can take an ugly turn so quickly that it gets scary on a serious level. As most of us are not bitch enough to retaliate or a black belt in martial arts, the best alternative is to go defensive. We keep our guards up for the first few days, investigate (read stalk) you on your social media accounts and only when we find it safe enough to trust you, we go normal. We are not rude but already prepared for the worst.
Yes, not all boys are the same:
Now you may say that not all boys are the same. Not all are rapists or creeps. Absolutely correct, it’s true that not all boys are bad but unfortunately, bad ones do not come with a sticker on their faces saying creeps or rapists. Unlike popular opinion, such people don’t always follow the stereotypes of looking like a ‘Tapori’ (rowdy). A geeky class topper of my college considered my smile that I gave him after an eye contact as my love confession. We had a couple of chats on Facebook, so it was a subconscious act from my side. Just for reference, I was more frank and friendly with the canteen vendor than I was with him. Even after clearing things up and blocking him everywhere, I was blamed-cum-tortured for the next seven-eight years, from time to time.

This type of hopeless lovers is found everywhere. When you can’t recognise a criminal, you treat everyone as a criminal until you are sure they are not. So, next time when you meet a woman who is rude to you, give her some time to analyse to make sure that you are not a risk to her mental health and safety. If she says no then it’s a NO; not a ‘maybe’, not an ‘I should try harder’. If you just can’t accept a no then please start wearing a sticker on your face, it will be very beneficial to other men and women.
If you really like someone and doesn’t want to screw your chances, there are ways to ‘How to approach a woman you like without involving the police!‘
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