The talk around climate change is nothing new. Humans were always selfish when it comes to their own profit over other species’ lives. We killed off Mammoth, Dodo and many others. As the population of homo sapiens skyrocketed, the degradation of the environment reached a scary level. Now, we are almost on the ‘no-return’ stage of climate decay.
An inaction now will result in dire consequences.

But question is, how we managed to reach such a dangerous situation?
Climate change was always evident. Somehow, most countries ignored it. From countries, I don’t mean the governments but the citizens. Governments around the world have a bad record of siding with the companies irrespective of their effect on climate. But how billions of people let them do it. Why climate change was never our priority.
It’s not that we don’t care, it’s just we don’t care enough.

We are facing extreme weathers around the globe. Winters are getting more gruesome and summers are becoming scorching hot. Except of understanding the real cause and taking a strong step towards the solution, people prefer to take impulsive corrective measures. It’s too cold, burn the fuels; it’s too hot, blow up the air-conditioners to maximum capacity. These short-sighted solutions are making the condition worse. People are dying but these are just statistics unless it happens near to home.
It’s not like people are blind.

Not everyone is. We have so many climate crusaders who are fighting for the future of the planet and its living beings. The most recent example is a teenager Greta Thunberg from Sweden. She single-handily made the whole world strike on the roads. She is not the first one to raise the voice and certainly not the last. But why not everyone is listening. Here the villain of our story is a basic human tendency.
Humans ignore bad News as if it just can’t happen to them.

Icebergs are melting? I don’t live on the shore. Weather is extreme? I can handle it as I have the money for it. Species are getting extinct? At least humans are not going anywhere. Everyone has their list of excuses for not giving a damn. It’s selfish but for humans, having this characteristic is not surprising at all. It’s not easy as doing something will come with a price.
Taking an action will mean to compromise.

People have to let go of plastics, they have to give up overuse of vehicles and other greenhouse gases emitting devices, they will be motivated to eat more eco-friendly options. Not able to get out of the comfort zone for something which is not clearly visible is what pushing us to the brink.
It’s not too late.

We still have hope for the future. Climate change is no more a neglected topic. The crowd is growing and getting louder than ever. We may still reverse the impending doom. We just have to keep shouting and force the people in power to act.
Because if we won’t act, we will end up as the fossils of the future.
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I like that girls sign where it reads “fossils of the future”… Really makes you think..
Anyways i dont think i could go vegan tho 😀 i love meat too much… Have you heard about cultured meats? Seems they making progress with it.