I know most of you who came here are expecting the same old save planet-save environment rant but no, that’s not what I am going to write. Humanity was never kind on non- human entities so that’s not even surprising anymore. It’s just how we manage to be cruel and cold-blooded to our own kind.
The Dark Spots of History
History has given us some very infamous and blood-thirsty tyrants. Some were hungry for power and some were motivated by races. One thing which was common in them was their ruthlessness. Only 10 tyrants managed the deaths of 103.3 to 146.4 million people. But how was this possible for just 10 people to wipe out a count equal to the whole population of Russia?

The hate goes very deeper. Mao Zeodong was the Chinese leader who directly/indirectly caused deaths of 49 to 78 million humans alone, mostly regular folks. Still, he is considered as a saviour of the nation by most in the country. Genghis Khan who might be one of the most ruthless warriors and killed millions, is still considered as a great reformer. Hitler might be the most hated person of the modern world, but you can still find people who are fine being called Nazis.

Point is, it is so easy to be intimidated by hate and power that a bad leader can easily convert a herd of normal humans into murders and dangerous ignorants.
Tyrants can’t be blamed for everything
Why the stories of atrocities are higher in number than stories of fight back and mercy? How thousands of people helped a single person in executing masses of innocent lives? We blame these leaders for the dark piecea of history, forgetting there was a handful of followers who were equal, if not more evil, were empowering these tyrants. They live within us, scattered. All it is going to take is one dark soul with leadership qualities to combine them all and start another genocide.
If you Google humanity, the antonym it gives for the word is cruelty. Problem with being human is that loving is more difficult than hating, forgiving is more difficult than the desire for revenge and accepting someone you dislike is more difficult than avoiding. It takes effort, something humanity doesn’t have a good record with.

So, we either go on the wrong path or simply ignore. Latter is also dangerous as hate doesn’t discriminate; repercussions are inevitable. And when the dark side punishes the ignorants, the world goes ignorant. That’s how millions went down during the course of history.
We have to remember that love, forgiveness, and acceptance are must for the world to balance. Without these, humanity can be really cruel.
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