Sarcasm intended
You may be offended
But truth is truth!
So, no apology extended
Are you having a string of strong negative emotions towards the people who are not letting you go out? Do you think Coronavirus is just a scam and it’s not as a big deal as it is made? Do your symptoms include annoyance, yelling, tweeting bullshit, and going into dangerous marches?
My friend, you are suffering from a very dangerous disease called Hate! Just like Covid 19, this disease does not have any approved medicine or vaccination. Fortunately, it can be managed from the safety of your home. Today, we will be working on curing your disease.
Symptom: Thoughts like “It’s all a sham by the governments, and forces behind them!”
It’s ok to have distrust in your government but aren’t you taking it a bit higher than normal. Governments of most nations in the world, coming to a similar conclusion without fighting or blaming each other (let’s keep China out because it’s a different scenario altogether), undertaking similar practices is just too good to be true! Also, everyone killing their economy for what? Mass unemployment is NOT something any government will like to have in their country. Not only it’s bad for the economy, but they also lose their vote bank (which is obviously more important than the former)! It may look important but I am sure they don’t give a damn about you not able to get your haircut (currently, no one does).

Most importantly, why would just any government will hurt the oil industry?! Do you even know how many avoidable wars have been fought for the oil? How many of them are still going on! The situation is so bad that now you can earn money by ‘buying’ oil.
No, it’s not a sham! People are actually dying; a hell lot of them are dying. Conspiracy theories are fun but not during a pandemic.
Symptom: You believe that COVID 19 is not as bad as it is projected. People die from the flu every year.
Let’s not talk about science because even after such devastation, if you still believe this, science is a bit way too much your brain. Let’s talk about common sense. Is COVID 19 very deadly? No, it is not. Around 80% of patients may not even show any symptoms. So, it is not that bad, right? It is! Let me give you an example:
There is just one hospital in a city with 10 beds. There were two different severe accidents in the city on different days. One included a car with four passengers. They were taken to the hospital. Two of them were critical, out of which one died and three were saved. The other accident included a bus with 40 passengers. 12 of them were critical, 6 with severe but non-life threatening injuries. Remember 10 beds? Two of them were left to die, three others died while treatment. One out of six injured people also died because his injuries became worse and there was no place in the hospital. Four others died in the city because they needed urgent hospitalization due to other ailments but there was no space in the hospital.

COVID 19 is like an accident because it came out of the blue; our bodies were not prepared for it. A bunch of 7+ billion people was not prepared for it. Do you know, in Italy, people were left to die because there was not enough place for them, and others had a better chance at life?
Symptom: “I am a strong and healthy individual, I can handle it” syndrome
First, please read the above portion again and again, until you understand it. If you still believe you are invincible, let’s try again!
I am sure, being a conspiracy theory expert, you must be very good at googling. If you will try hard enough, you will find that many such invincible conspiracy theorists are dead from COVID 19. There are enough reports out there. Even if you are strong enough to handle it, many aren’t. You can MURDER your grandparents, already sick or immunocompromised relatives, neighbours or total strangers you fought with, in the supermarket. You can’t even claim that it was unintentional.
Worse, these people will be spreading it further, this time unintentionally. When a mistake by a single person can cause huge devastation, the whole herd had to be controlled and isolated.

But what if you don’t care about other people at all? Fair enough! Is it still a threat? Yeah, it is!
Accidents can happen anywhere; heart attacks are like earthquakes, you don’t get much of a beforehand alert; other bacterias and viruses are still here with us; the list is countless! Call it luck or natural selection (which is explanatory in your case), shit can happen anytime. Do you know what you need in such times? A hospital, the ones that are already filled with COVID 19 patients! God forbid, you need a ventilator because then you are screwed.
Such misadventures can happen to anyone, but the least we can do is to try to keep hospitals less overwhelmed.
Symptom: It’s a bioweapon from China!
Can we talk about it when the pandemic is over? You don’t go in to search the cause of fire when the building is still burning.
Also, people in China died too! And not all of them ate bats (If that’s the correct theory)! If you are blaming every person who looks like he/she is from China (could be someone from south-east Asian countries or north-eastern Indians), you need to calm the fuck down! Racism isn’t cool man, you need a therapist.
What should I do, I want to go out!
We all want to go out; no one likes jail like confinement, but we are out of options right now. Our only goal is to save as many lives as possible.
The more you will break the lockdown and participate in marches against it, the longer they have to force it.
You don’t have to be very productive; if NEWS is too much for you, don’t listen; indulge in every guilty pleasure you want to enjoy (as long as it is safe for everyone) and LISTEN TO THE DOCTORS. They are the army fighting this pandemic with full force. Listen to the authorities and your government (unless it’s Trump or Bolsonaro, don’t listen to them).
If you can’t make it better then don’t make it worse! #UnlearnHate

PS: Don’t drink bleach or inject yourself with disinfectants, you can die!
Did I miss anything? Please feel free to mention it in the comments.
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